Lakme Eyeconic Kajal Review
Must say the Lakme Eyconic kajal is really smudge proof and water proof and stayed for 8-10 hours. Clap! Clap!
I purchase a lot of Lakme products, for obvious reasons that most of them live up to their claims and hardly fail to impress me. Be 9 to 5 range or the Absolute Range, I have been quite happy since I have owned them. But Lakme Eyeconic Kajal is the last thing I chose to buy. Not because I scorn it for any reason but I am already heaped up with a lot of kajal from different brands like Lotus, L’Oreal, Patanjali, Colorbar with Maybelline Colossal Kajal being my very favourite. It was when I saw Lakme Eyeconic Kajal at a great discount on vanity360.in that I quickly placed order for it. You know how it works with us, ladies on seeing anything on Sale! I am using it for a month and would want to let you know how it fared for me.
Price: Rs 199 for 0.35g
Claims of Lakme Eyeconic Kajal
10 hours’ stay
No smudge
Dermatologically tested
My take on Lakme Eyeconic Kajal
Almost every other girl around me owns this. And now I own one too and have been using it almost daily in order to test it. It comes in a twist up pen which makes it convenient to be used and does not blunt badly. I must say the Lakme Eyconic kajal is really smudge proof and water proof and stayed for 8-10 hours. Clap! Clap! I was definitely impressed to see that how it gave a great matte effect on lash line but does not work so well on the water line. It stayed on my waterline for 4-5 hours and then faded evenly. A stroke of Lakme Eyeconic Kajal gives good kohl to the eyes and 2-3 strokes would grant your eyes the very very deep black colour to make your eyes happily dramatic. However, I feel Maybelline gave a better matte kohl finish than this one. I think Lakme Eyeconic Kajal would work great for smokey eye finish. It is smooth and glides easily.
Smudge proof
Deep kohl
Lasts upto 10 hours
Glides well
Matte effect
Travel friendly
Ingredient list absent
Stays less on waterline
Rating: 4.5/5 (-0.5 for not staying long on waterline)
Will I repurchase and recommend Lakme Eyeconic Kajal?
For the dramatic great eyes and great smokey look, I’d keep it but won’t let go Maybelline Colossal Kajal. I do recommend it to all the women for you cannot get a better colour payoff at this range.